The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences has been one of the main pillars of IKIP Makassar since its establishment in 1965. Previously, it was still in the form of State BI with Indonesian Language BI. In 1961, these two BI courses were integrated into Hasanuddin University and became the Department of Exact Science from FKIP. After IKIP separated from Unhas and became independent as IKIP Makassar, at first it was named the Teaching Faculty of Exact Sciences (FKIE) IKIP Makassar, then changed to the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Education (FPMIPA) IKIP Ujung Pandang, after IKIP was converted to UNM it became Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA). In 1965, FKIE IKIP Makassar was established from three departments, namely Exact Sciences, Natural Sciences and Life Sciences with Dean E. Agussalim Mokodompit M.A.
In 2007, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UNM supervised five majors, namely: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Geography. Each Department maintains two study programs, namely the Education Study Program which produces a Bachelor of Education (S.Pd.), and the Non-Educational Study Program which produces a Bachelor of Science (S.Si.). The potential of teaching staff in each department is around 60% for Masters, 20% for Doctoral Degrees, and the rest for S1. In the near future, the potential of the teaching staff will change with the completion of the doctoral program, namely for the Department of Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry. Educational and non-educational study programs have the same lecture material equivalent to six semesters (approximately 100 of 147 โ 150 credits for the completion of the undergraduate program).