Vision, Mission, and Goal

Vision :

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) that excelled nationally and globally competitive in developing MIPA and its learning as well as producing competent graduates in their field, literate in information technology and entrepreneurial-minded in 2025.


Mission :

  1. Organizing quality education of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and literacy in information technology.

  2. Developing research in the field of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and its learning in supporting the development of science and technology.

  3. Organizing community service activities based on the field of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and its learning.

  4. Establishing cooperation in the fields of education, research, and community service nationally and internationally.

  5. Providing insight entrepreneurial knowledge and skills for the academicians in the faculty.


Goal :

The goal of FMIPA UNM is to:

  1. Producing graduates in the field of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and its application, who are excellent intellectually, morally elegant, competent in their fields, having a commitment and high work ethic, a national paradigm and critical thinking, speaking, and writing, and creative problem-solving, innovative, and imaginative in their work.

  2. Developing problem-solving, disciplinary, multidisciplinary research, and assessment and development in the field of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.


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